Cleaning has never been as easy as before. All you need to do is look up the internet and search for your local and trusted cleaning crews to take care of your mess. May it be a house full of unnecessarily small trash scattered about or a place that needs a total rearrangement, your cleaning services here in Melbourne are here to help you take care of your problem. Crystal Maids is there to help you deal with the painful clutter in your safe spaces.

Trust that when it comes to getting the job done, here at Crystal Maids you can count on us. Whether it’s a house, apartment, an estate or your townhouse, we are there to help you with the dirty job. Your common areas like the living room, bathroom and kitchen will be our priority. If you ever feel like you need the help of somebody that can make your homes as spick and span as possible, here are things we can do for you in your homes:

Standard Clean

For your Standard Clean, we do general cleaning chores to keep your spaces as tidy as possible. A Standard Clean makes areas in your homes fresh and orderly from mess and dirt.

These are some things we can do for you in our Standard Clean:

  • Straighten up the area or having it well-kept and aligned
  • Dust off the furniture, windows and decors in the space
  • Sweep, vacuum and mop the floors
  • Wipe off handrails
  • Sanitise the shower areas, sinks, mirrors and toilet
  • Remove garbage from inside
  • Surface cleaning for kitchen countertops, stove, appliance and cupboards

Deep Clean

For some aspects of your home, you might want a more focused cleaning to make things spotless. A Deep Clean applies the same tasks and chores from your Standard Clean. However, there are aspects in your home that might need a little bit more in terms of keeping things more spotless and better. On top of our standard chores, these are some of the more focused things we do for your Deep Clean service are the following:

  • A deep wipe of windows, window sills, doors or door frames in common areas of the house
  • A further and deeper cleaning for baseboards especially in the comfort rooms and kitchen


Another cleaning service you may opt to have is the Move-In or Move Out cleaning service. This cleaning service is especially for you if you are planning to move inside your new homes. This is also for if you plan to transfer out and you want to leave a clean place behind. We do the general cleaning services plus these other tasks for the place:

  • Cleaning the inside of empty cabinets and drawers
  • Detail cleaning of ceiling fans and exhaust fans
  • Cleaning range-hood in the kitchen
  • Oven cleaning
  • Baseboard cleaning

Additional services

You might want a little extra clean in some things in your homes. If there are additional services you want to add, all you need to do is talk to our team and we will arrange it for you. Here are some additionals we can do for you upon request:

  • Cleaning insides of oven, fridge, and cabinets
  • Do one load of laundry
  • Interior window cleaning
  • Spot cleaning for your walls

We do our cleaning services to keep your homes in the tidiest state as possible. However, we want to make sure that we also clean according to what you want and how you want it. As such, for our cleaning services, we also have a checklist for you to specify the areas and aspects that you want us to give more attention to. Access our checklist here at and tick off some additional chores you need.


We want to make you and your homes as happy as possible. Whenever you need a cleaning service for your safe spaces, don’t hesitate to contact us. We guarantee our top-notch cleaning services or we give your money back. We are committed to making your homes a clean haven for you and your family. Keep your homes as clean as possible.

Book a cleaning appointment with us here:

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